虽然新技术的研发可以提升频谱利用率,但是很多授权频段的频谱利用率却非常低,尤其是信号传播特性好的低频段。认知无线电技术是一种智能的频谱共享技术,可以有效地提高授权频段利用率。文章介绍了认知无线电的关键技术和IEEE 802.22 WRAN标准,通过具体分析无线区域网(WRAN)对数字电视(DTV)接收机造成的干扰,建立了相应的场景模型,提出了有效的干扰规避方案。
Although the new technologies can improve the efficiency of the spectrum, the utilization of many licensed spectrums is very low, especially the low frequency with better propagation characteristic. The cognitive radio is a smart spectrumsharing technology, which can increase the spectnlm utilization of the licensed spectrum effectively. This paper introduces the key technologies of cognitive radio and the IEEE 802.22 WRAN standard which is being developed currently, analyzes the interference from the WRAN to digital television receiver, models the scenes, and proposes an interference avoiding scheme.
Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications