目的探讨社会对未婚先孕的传统观念是如何影响外来未婚女性非意愿妊娠发生的这一社会因素,为改进和完善生殖健康卫生服务而做出一点努力.方法采用非概率抽样方法中的目的性抽样法,于2008年3月至11月的8个月期间,在昆明市5家公立医院和1家私立医院共调查到25个未婚非意愿妊娠及流产的研究对象.对研究对象进行个人深入访谈并全面、客观地了解其生活经历,用行为影响因素理论探讨社会对未婚先孕的污名与歧视对外来未婚女性非意愿妊娠产生的影响.结果 (1)医务人员对未婚流产女性普遍态度冷淡;(2)未婚流产女性多以假名字流产;(3)外来未婚女性更容易频繁更换男友,更易于发生非意愿妊娠.结论受中国传统观念的影响,25位外地来昆的发生了非意愿妊娠的未婚青年女性都或多或少地遭遇到医护人员的歧视与冷漠,这在很大程度上造成了卫生服务提供的不公平、不尊重和不接纳;外来未婚女性则多以假名字流产、频繁更换男友等贬低自我价值等方式来达到自我保护的目的.个人因素加上来自社会舆论的巨大影响使她们承受着未婚同居、不安全性行为、生殖道感染、非意愿妊娠、人工流产等多重风险.
Objective To explore the traditional Chinese attitude to premarital pregnancy on the occurrence of unwanted pregnancy in 25 migrant unmarried female in Kunming City,and provide basis for improving the quality of reproductive health service.Methods In this investigation,one of the non-probability sampling methods,the target sampling,was adopted to get access to 25 subjects with premarital unwanted pregnancy and abortion in 5 public hospitals and 1 private hospital for 8 months from March to November in 2008.Through the case study of in-depth interview,the subjects’ life experience was known objectively and completely.And with the theory of influencing factors of behavior,the influence of public’s discrimination to premarital pregnancy on subjects’ unwanted pregnancy was identified.Results(1) Medical staffs were generally indifferent to the subjects;(2) Most of the subjects required abortion used false names;(3) Migrant unmarried females were more likely to change their boyfriends and hence more likely to experience unwanted pregnancy.Conclusions This study show that influenced by Chinese traditional attitudes,these 25 migrant unmarried females are more or less confronted with the discrimination and indifference from medical staffs,which,to a great extent,lead to the unfairness,disrespect,and no acceptation of the medical service.The subjects tend to devalue themselves to self-protect by having abortion under false names and frequently change boy friends.Because of the personal factors and the huge impact from public opinions,they underg the high risks of premarital sex,unsafe sex,reproductive canal infections,unwanted pregnancy,and abortion.
Journal of Kunming Medical University
Migrant unmarried females
Unwanted pregnancy