
大幅面板材渐进折弯成形的本构建模及模拟 被引量:1

Constitutive model and numerical simulation for incremental air-bending forming of large area sheet metal
摘要 为了提高大幅面板材成形的模拟精度,在板材折弯平面应变假设条件下,推导出基于Hill各向异性屈服准则的弹塑性本构方程.借助ABAQUS有限元软件本构模块用户子程序接口,通过编程将上述推导的应力-应变本构关系显示表达式嵌入ABAQUS分析平台.以超长大开口半椭圆形工件成形为例,建立了大幅面钢板渐进折弯的三维弹塑性有限元模型,并数值模拟了多道次渐进折弯成形及回弹全过程.模拟效果和工程应用结果表明,与传统的基于平面应力假设的本构关系模型相比,采用平面应变假设的本构关系模型的模拟结果更接近实验值. To improve simulation accuracy for air-bending forming of large area sheet metal, under the plane strain condition, the explicit expressions of elastic-plastic constitutive equation related to Hill anisotropic yield criterion are presented and implemented to ABAQUS software as the user subroutines. By forming the semiel- lipse-shaped (FEM) are workpiece with super length and large opening of sheet metal,3D ABAQUS finite-element models establish, and the multiple-step incremental air-bending forming and springback processes are sim- ulated. The simulation results show that the results predicted with Hill' s yielding criterion under the plane strain condition are in much better agreement with experimental data than those predicted with traditional con- stitutive model under the plane stress condition.
出处 《材料科学与工艺》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期84-88,共5页 Materials Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50875093/E050802) 上海市教育委员会重点学科建设基金资助项目(J51501) 上海应用技术学院引进人才科研启动基金资助项目(YJ2011-20)
关键词 板材渐进成形 本构关系 屈服准则 平面应变 数值模拟 sheet metal incremental forming constitutive relation yield criterion plane strain numerical simu-lation
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