Objective To evaluated the clinical effects and influence factors to the prognosis af- ter extraction of posterior segment located magnetic intraocular foreign bodies by vitrectomy proce- dures. Methods Sixty-four eyes of 64 patients with penetrating ocular injury complicated by posteri- or segment remaining of magnetic intraocular foreign body were evaluated, and those patients were hospitalized from September 2008 to July 2011, in which 64 eyes underwent vitrectomy. The correla- tions between the postoperative best corrected visual acuity and the influence factors, included opera- tion models, preoperative best corrected visual acuity, locations and size of the foreign bodies, tim- ing of operation, traumatic conditions, retinal detachment were analyzed. Results Fifty eyes (78.13%) of 64 patients had a postoperative BCVA more than 0.1, 18 eyes (28.13%) had a postoper- ative BCVA more than 0.5, and statistical analysis showed a significant different (P =0.000) between preoperative and postoperative BCVA in this group. The influence factors to the prognosis were as the following: length of the wound, preoperative visual acuity, operative timing, retinal detachment, endophthalmitis, tPVR and zone of retinal injury. Conclusions Vitrectomy surgery is an effective method for patients with posterior segment located IOFB. Early vitrectomy should be emphasized as early as possible, which complicated with endophthalmitis or with retinal detachment. Even if do so, the postoperative visual outcomes is poor.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology
Posterior segment intraocular foreign body
The best corrected visual acuity