

The Electronic Revolution of Administrative Rulemaking
摘要 电子信息技术对行政立法过程产生重要影响,不仅使公众参与更具有实践性,也带来一系列制度上的挑战。目前行政立法的电子化实践仅触及电子信息技术的表层,未来如若进一步发挥技术的互动性能力,将深刻改变行政立法中的权力分配格局,出现立法上的"革新"。为此,有必要推动行政立法中的电子卷宗和在线对话机制建设,并建立评估其电子化成效的具体标准。行政立法电子化目标的实现有赖于在电子信息技术与行政管理体制之间形成良好的整合,这就需要努力克服其面临的不平等接近、隐私和个人尊严、技术因素及过度参与等种种限制。 IT has a deep effect on administrative rulemaking process, not only makes public participa- tion more practicable, but also brings a series of institutional challenges. At present the application of e-rulemaking only touches the surface of IT. If we further take advantage of the interactive ability of IT, the result is to profoundly change the authority distribution of administrative rulemaking and emerge the revolution. In order to achieve the goal, it is essential to improve electronic docket and online dia- logue, and develop some metrics for evaluating the success of e-rulemaking. The realization of e-rule- making will depend on creating a good fit between IT and administrative system, so it is essential to o- vercome these limits, such as unequal access, privacy and individual dignity protection, technological factors and over-participation.
作者 曾娜
出处 《云南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第5期25-30,共6页 Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University(Social Science)
关键词 行政立法 电子化 革新 administrative rulemaking electronic revolution
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