Objective To determine whether topog- raphy-guided custom ablation produces acceptable outcomes in the treatment of complex refractive er- rors. Methods Topography-guided customized cor- neal ablations were performed in 32 patients (63 eyes) with complex refractive errors. Corneal surface regularity index, surface asymmetry index, asymme- try component, corneal and ocular higher-order aber- rations, uncorrected visual acuity, and best spectacle- corrected visual acuity were analyzed during the fol- low-up. Results Uncorrected visual acuity was bet- ter after operation than corrected visual acuity before operation. Astigmatism was significantly lower after operationl ( 0.28 _+ 0. 14 ) D ] than before operation E (2.46 + 0.36 ) D ]. The quantity of cornea ablation was saved by 10% or so. There were no adverse re- actions in subjective visual quality. No eccentric phe- nomena were discovered in topography after opera- tion. Condusion Topography-guided custom abla- tion is safe and effective in the management of com- plex refractive errors.
Journal of Otolaryngology and Ophthalmology of Shandong University