
中医在美国发展的概况 被引量:15

Development of traditional Chinese medicine in United States
摘要 从上世纪90年代开始,美国政府包括白宫、国会、公共卫生服务部和美国国家卫生研究院(Na-tional Institutes of Health,NIH)决定发展补充替代医学(Complementary&Alternative Medicine),在美国现代医学史翻开了崭新的一页。补充替代医学的范围涵盖除西医以外的各种医学和疗法,相当于世界卫生组织所规范的"传统医学"(Traditional Medi-cine), The United States government established Complementary and Alternative Medicine(CAM) to meet the public needs.In 1991,the National Institutes of Health(NIH) approved the first acupuncture clinic for their patients.The National Center of Complementary and Alternative Medicine(NCCAM) was founded at NIH in 1998 to sponsor and develop CAM research.In 2001,the budget for NCCAM had grown to 130 million USD.Of the 3 300 papers on CAM published in the past ten years,520 were funded by NIH.NCCAM goals are to focus on "mind and body medicine"and "herbals"for future research.Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) is one of the major components in CAM.From 1998 to 2012,NCCAM funded 248 research subjects on TCM,with a total budget of 236 million USD.The subjects were as follows: 160 for acupuncture,36 for Chinese medicine,33 for Tai Chi,and 19 for Qigong.The American public is increasingly supportive of CAM,including TCM.According to the national survey in 2008,nearly 40% of American used CAM,11% of them were children,self-spending 33.9 billion USD in 2007.In the same year,3.7 million people received acupuncture in the United States.The data also indicate that women,higher income and higher educated people used CAM more frequently.An increasing number of allopathic medical professionals are open to CAM,and recommend their patients to use acupuncture and other modalities.TCM,as an important part of CAM,has become a new option for patients in improving their healthcare services in conjunction with allopathic medicine.TCM will have more potential to be utilized in the United States.
作者 田小明
出处 《北京大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期715-719,共5页 Journal of Peking University:Health Sciences
关键词 医学 中国传统 补充替代医学和疗法 中医发展研究 美国国立卫生研究院 Medicine Chinese traditional Complementary and alternative medicine Research on developing(TCM) National Institutes of Health(U.S.)
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  • 2White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medi- cine Policy Final Report. March 2002. NIH Publication No. 03- 5411[ EB/OL]. [2002-03-29 ]. http://ods, od. nih. gov/Health_ Information/White_House_CAM_Commission. aspx.
  • 3National Institutes of Health. 2012. NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools [ EB/OL]. [2012-06-06]. http://projectreport- er. nih. gov/reporter, cfm.
  • 4The Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the United States[ EB/OL]. [ 2012-06-06 ]. http://neeam, nih. gov/news/ camstats/2007/camsurvey_fsl, htm.
  • 5Charles JC. More patients pick acupuncture [ J/OL]. Hospitalist, 2007, [ 2012-06-06 ]. http ://www. the-hospitalist, org/details/ articlc/234053/More_Patients Pick Acupuncture. html.
  • 6PDQ, Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Editorial Board, National Cancer Institute (NCI) [ EB/OL].[2012-06-06 ]. http://www, cancer, gov/cancertopics/pdq/ cancer-cam-board.











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