本文研究了阿仑膦酸钠(Alen)对成骨细胞活性功能的影响,为其临床应用提供细胞学实验支持。采用体外细胞培养的方法观察不同浓度Alen对人成骨细胞株MG63细胞增殖、细胞形态、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、Ⅰ型胶原以及钙沉积效应的影响。结果表明:较低浓度(1×10-9 mol/L和1×10-7 mol/L)时,Alen对MG63细胞增殖、细胞形态、ALP表达和Ⅰ型胶原合成无明显影响;在高浓度(1×10-5 mol/L)时,MG63细胞的增殖活性受到抑制,电镜观察可见细胞凋亡;浓度为1×10-9 mol/L时,Alen能促进MG63细胞的钙沉积,而浓度为10-5 mol/L时可抑制MG63细胞的钙沉积。本研究提示低浓度Alen能在一定程度上促进人成骨细胞的矿化能力,有利于骨形成。
To provide a support to the clinical application of alendronate (Alen) on cytology, we studied the effects of Alen on the function of osteoblasts. In this experiment, we observed the influence of MG63 cell line coincubation with Alen at concentrations of 1 × 10-9 mol/L, 1× 10-7 mol/L or 1× 10-5 mol/L on the osteoblastic function (pro liferation, cell morphology, alkali phosphatase (ALP) activity, expression of type I collagen and effect of calcium deposition). The proliferation, cell morphology, ALP activity and type I collagen synthesis of MG63 were not af fected by Alen at concentration of 1 ×10-9 mol/L and 1×10-7 mol/L, but the ALP activity as well as type I collagen production were promoted at higher concentration (1 ×10-5 tool/L). The calcium deposition of MG63 could be in creased at the lower concentration(1 × 109 tool/L), while it was inhibited at the higher concentration. In conclu sion, Alen at low concentration can promote the mineralization ability of osteoblasts to a certain extent, and this ben efits the bone formation.
Journal of Biomedical Engineering