针对我国农网供电台区变在电量参数监控、无功控制和在线监测等方面的严重不足,提出一种基于GPRS的低压配电网智能控制及监测终端,终端采用混合信号ISP FLASH微控制器C8051F020,硬件分为系统和接口两部分。系统部分主要包括CPU、存储器、实时时钟芯片、键盘/液晶显示器、复位及外围等电路;接口部分包括三相电流互感器、功率计量芯片、RS-485通讯、GPRS模块、状态量监测、温度及变压器油位检测等。终端软件基于μC/OS-Ⅱ嵌入式操作系统设计,程序采用多任务多缓冲区结构。该终端既可实现对无功功率的快速检测和实时动态补偿,又能够准确测量出配电变压器的各种参数,实现监控终端与上位机之间准确的数据传输,该装置精度高、可靠性高、价格低廉,便于推广。
An intelligent monitor and control terminal for low-vohage distribution system based on GPRS is presented for the rural power distribution area where the parameter calculation, intelligent var compensation and remote monitoring are famine. The terminal adopts mixed-signal ISP FLASH MCU C8051F020. Its hardware is composed of system and interface. The system is composed of modules: CPU, memory, clock chip, keyboard/liquid crystal display, reset and peripheral circuit, and the interface circuits include three-phase current/vohage transformer, energy measurement IC, RS-485communieation, GPRS module, switch state detection,temperature and oil liquid of transformer and so on. Its software is based on μC/OS-II embedded operating system,with muhi-task and multi-buffer framework. The terminal not only can rapidly detect and real-time dynamically compensate vat, but also can measure the diversified parameter of transformer accurately, and thus satisfies exact data transmission between control terminal and host computer. The device is easy to be popularized because of its high accuracy, good reliability and low prices.
Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy