
某经济开发区1991~1997年383起工伤死亡事件调查分析 被引量:14

Analysis of 383 Fatal Occupational Injury Events in a New Development Area of East China during 1991~1997
摘要 [目的 ]调查分析工业企业致死工伤的环境危险因素。 [方法 ]对某开发区 1991~ 1997年间发生的 383起工伤死亡事件进行了流行病学调查分析。 [结果 ]发现 (1)由于许多基建工程项目于 1993~ 1995年批准并实施或完成 ,这些工伤死亡事件大多发生于 1994和 1995年 ;(2 )事故常发生在周末加班时且可能有急于完成某一任务而赶时间的倾向 ;(3)坠落、起重伤害、物体打击、触电和坍塌是最常见 (89% )的伤害方式 ,它们与火灾或中毒一起也是全部多人 (2人及以上 )死亡事件的原因 ;(4)在建筑业和制造业最常涉及的设备是工作面 ,即在建筑物、起重设备和电气设备等 ;(5 ) 79%的多人死亡事件发生在建筑业和制造业。 [结论 ]工伤事故由多种因素造成 ,包括人为因素、机器设备缺陷、环境因素、生产组织与管理等方面。工伤事故的防制应强调综合措施 ,如根据人机工效学原则进行产品设计和改善工作环境 ,促进安全教育和健康促进活动及安全条例和制度的强制执行等。 Objective] This study is to explore environmental risk factors and human factors of fatal occupational injury.[Methods] To carry out epidemiological investigation and analyze 383 occupational fatal injury events occurred among all industries in a new development area of East China during the period 1991~1997.[Results] The results indicated that:(1)most of the events took place during the period 1994-1995 because many large projects about infrastructure development were ratified and implemented during the period;(2)extra working shifts on weekends and in hurried work activity to finish a task before a deadline;(3)falls,collision,objects struck/against,excavation cave in and electrocution were most important types of injury (89%) which,in addition to acute poisonings and/or fire,accounted for all of the multiple incidents' accident types,and (4) the most common equipments involved were work surface,constructing structures,crane,electric and electronics and the most common settings were construction and manufacturing sectors;(5) most multiple incidents(79%) took place in the construction and manufacturing industries.[Conclusion] Occupational injuries were caused by environmental risk factors such as equipment defects,management and organization of the production and human factors.We suggest that the prevention and control of occupational fatal injuries should require a comprehensive approach which includes improvement of product designs and modifications in the man made environment;safety training and health promotion;enforcement of relevant regulations;and engineering as well as ergonomics controls.
出处 《劳动医学》 2000年第2期65-69,共5页
基金 美国利宝 -哈佛大学 -上海医科大学合作项目!(项目号 :I 0 0 2 ) 美国NIH课题资助!(课题号 :ES0 0 0 0 2 )
关键词 职业伤害 工伤死亡事件 预防 控制 occupational injury fatal occupational events prevention and control
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