设计了大型空间机械臂关节力矩传感器,采用Pro/E建立了弹性体的模型,使用ANSYS Workbench对弹性体进行了有限元分析,对比2种弹性体模型的灵敏度和线性度,最终选择剪切轮辐式弹性体;对设计的传感器进行标定,计算其静态特性指标,满足设计要求。
A torque sensor on large space manip- ulator was designed, a model of the elastomer was built using Pro/E software, the elastomer was ana- lyzed using ANSYS Workbench, a detail comparison on sensitivlty and llnearity between the two models was carried out, finally the cut and spokes model stand out;a calibration experiment was carried out to prove that the design is applicable.
Machinery & Electronics