
企业网站跨文化适用度研究——基于中国海信和美国GE公司企业网站对比 被引量:1

Research of Cultural Congruency of Corporate Websites——A Case Study of Hisense and GE Company
摘要 旨在考察中国企业英文网站(以下所有网站均指英文网站)跨文化适用度的建设程度。通过Hofstede提出的五个维度:个人主义/集体主义、权力距离、不确定性规避、阳刚/阴柔气质和Hall提出的高/低语境,对中国海信和美国GE公司企业网站进行对比,同时通过对两个网站的用户反馈调查,进一步了解网站的文化适用建设情况,希望能为中国的网站建设有所启示。 This study aims to explore how well Chinese global enterprises build their websites to cater to the needs of customers from a culturally different country.In recent years,a number of studies have addressed the issue of local culture in website design,but most of these studies have been done in English speaking countries,as to China,the study is rare.This study intends to fill this gap.It applies Hofstede's individualism/collectivism,power distance,feminity/masculinity,and uncertainty avoidance and Hall's high/low-context cultural dimensions.By comparing web site of Hisense with that of GE,the author analyzes how these cultural values are reflected in the websites.A content analysis of the websites highlights considerable differences in representing local cultural values on the local websites.Besides,users' reaction to the website design is also conducted to reinforce or reject the statistics obtained from content analysis.The research contents will be the starting point for many companies that actually operate in the overseas market.
作者 于冰
出处 《大连民族学院学报》 CAS 2012年第5期519-522,共4页 Journal of Dalian Nationalities University
基金 2011年辽宁省社科规划基金项目(L11DYY037) 2011年大连市社科项目(2011DLSK095)
关键词 文化适用度 网站设计 霍夫斯泰德 霍尔 cultural adaptation website design Hofstede Hall
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