目的 应用纤维支气管镜治疗开胸术后肺内感染及肺不张。方法 从 1 995年 1月至 1 999年 1 2月 ,我科行常规开胸手术 949例 ,其中 1 59例病人并发术后肺内感染或肺不张。所有病例均行经纤维支气管镜支气管灌洗治疗。结果 在 1 59例开胸术后肺内感染病人中 ,1 35例感染或肺不张在短时间内得到控制。一次支气管镜吸痰感染得到控制者占 89%。结论 纤维支气管镜支气管灌洗治疗 ,可以有效治疗术后肺内感染及肺不张 ,减少了全身应用抗菌素的用量 。
Objective Using fibrobronchoscope to treat the thorax postoperative pneumonitis or atelectasis. Methods Since January 1995 to December 1999,949 patients accepted thorax surgery at our hospital,159 of this group had pneumonitis or atelectasis after surgery. All patients of these 159 accepted treatment of lavage of bronchus through fibrobronchoscope. Results Pneumonitis or atelectasis could been control at soon in 135 patients,and about 89% (120/135) patients accepted treatment of lavage of bronchus through fibrobronchoscope only once. Conclusion Lavage of bronchus through fibrobronchoscope if effective to the thorax postoperative pneumonitis or atelectasis. Through this method,the quantity of using antibiotic was reduced,and the time of treatment was shortened too. [
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology