
冲突与协调:安理会与国际法院的关系新论 被引量:3

Conflict and Coordination:A New Perspective of Relationship between the Security Council and the International Court of Justice
摘要 《联合国宪章》对安理会与国际法院的职责作出了明确规定,由于两个机构在组成与性质方面的差异,在处理共同管辖的国际争端时,两个机构的解决方式有时存在分歧,而且安理会决议与国际法院裁判对《联合国宪章》条文的解释也存在矛盾。因此,在《联合国宪章》的框架内重新构建安理会与国际法院的关系,有迫切的需要。在产生共同管辖时,国际法院应当适当照顾安理会决议的意见,同时,为制约安理会日益扩大的权力,应当肯定国际法院对安理会决议的司法审查权。 Although the responsibility of the Security Council and the International Court of Justice has been elaborated in the Charter of the United Nations respectively,differences deriving from the component and character of the two organs lead to contradictory solutions in solving international disputes under the concurrent jurisdiction.Besides,resolutions of the Council and jurisprudence of the Court with regard to the interpretation of the Charter provisions contradict each other.It is,therefore,imperative to reframe the relationship between the Council and the Court within the framework of the Charter.The Court shall give proper consideration to the related resolutions when concurrent jurisdiction arises.Meanwhile,judicial review towards resolution by the Court shall also be confirmed for the purpose of restricting and controlling the power of the Security Council.
作者 王玫黎 谭畅
机构地区 西南政法大学
出处 《西南政法大学学报》 2012年第5期37-43,共7页 Journal of Southwest University of Political Science and Law
关键词 共同管辖 宪章解释 国际法碎片化 司法审查 concurrent jurisdiction interpretation of the Charter of the United Nations fragmentation of international law judicial review
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