
长沙地区农村妇女盆底功能障碍调查及其相关因素分析 被引量:5

KAP Investigation of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction of Rural Women in Changsha
摘要 【目的】调查长沙市农村女性目前及末次产后一年内女性盆底功能障碍(FPFD)发病情况并作相关因素分析。【方法】按照整群抽样的方法,选取生活在长沙市9个区(县)20岁以上常住女性,进行常规妇科检查,判断患者有无FPFD疾病,同时填写知识、态度和行为(KAP)调查问卷,进行统计分析。【结果】本次调查中长沙地区成年农村妇女FPFD的患病率为51%(目前FPFD患病率为48%,末次产后一年内FPFD患病率为15.2%),其中压力性尿失禁(SUI)的患病率为34%,有盆底脏器脱垂(POP)症状的患病率为39.6%,FPFD的患病率与女性年龄、产次、阴道分娩次数等呈正相关。【结论】长沙地区农村户籍成年FPFD较常见,SuI患者很多都合并有POP症状。高龄、多次怀孕及分娩、阴道分娩是FPFD的高危因素。普及FPFD知识及提高对疾病的认知对防治FPFD具有重要意义。 [Objective] To investigate the prevalence, knowledge(K), attitude(A) and behavior(P) of fe- male pelvic floor dysfunction(FPFD) of rural women at present and within a year of end-time postpartum in Changsha. [Methods] According to the cluster sampling method, the permanent women(aged over 20 years old) who lived in 9 areas(counties) of Changsha were chosen and received regular gynecological examination. FPFD was judged. All women filled the KAP questionnaire. Statistical analysis was done. [Results]The survey results showed that the prevalence of FPFD of adults in Changsha was 51%, in which the prevalence at present was 48 % and that within a year of end-time postpartum was 15.2 %. The prevalence of stress urinary ineontinence(SUI) was 34%. The prevalence of pelvic organ prolapse(POP) was 39.6%. The prevalence of FPFD was positively correlated with female age, the times of delivery and vaginal delivery. [Conclusion] FPFD in rural household registered adult females is commonly seen. Most of patients with SUI are complicated with POP. Older age, many times of pregnancy, labor and vaginal delivery are the high risk factors of FPFD. The popularization of knowledge and the improvement of cognition of FPFD are very important for preventing and curing the FPFD.
出处 《医学临床研究》 CAS 2012年第9期1745-1749,共5页 Journal of Clinical Research
关键词 骨盆底 湖南 Pelvic floor: hunan
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