
基于介数影响矩阵的通信网络节点重要度评价方法 被引量:9

Node Importance Evaluation of Communication Network Based on Betweenness Influence Matrix
摘要 针对网络节点重要度受到多因素影响的问题,提出了一种基于介数影响矩阵的重要度综合评价方法。该方法依据网络拓扑结构对传播重要度的影响,采用节点介数作为基础重要度指标,刻画了节点对最短路连通的控制能力,然后综合考虑各节点间的节点度、距离、最短路径等因素的影响,描述了节点度、位置和连通分支的差异;通过引入距离衰减控制影响的强弱,给出了直接与间接影响间的差异,最后结合提出的基于贡献的介数计算,实现了对节点重要度的客观评价。 Aimed at the problem that node importance evaluation of communication network is influenced by multi - factors, an evaluation method of node importance based on betweenness influencing matrix is proposed. In order to achieve an impersonal evaluation result, in the method, based on the influence of the topology structure of network on importance, the node betweenness is taken as a basic parameter to describe the controlling capacity of node to the shortest path. And then the influences of multi - factors such as degree, distance, min - path and other factors are put into the process of calculation to describe the difference in location and connecting branch between the nodes. Then, the difference between the direct and indirect influences by the distance attenuation is given. Final- ly, in combination with the proposed betweenness calculation based on contribution, the calculation of communica- tion network node importance is done on the basis of the betweenness influencing matrix, thus an objective evalua- tion on node importance is achieved. The simulation result shows that the method is effective and objective without setting any factor weight.
出处 《空军工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期80-84,共5页 Journal of Air Force Engineering University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 通信网络 节点重要度 拓扑 介数值 communication network node importance topology betweenness centrality
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