
百年学府传灵韵 独立学院谱华章

College with history of hundred years sings new songs and independent institute writes new chapter
摘要 河北农业大学历经百年风雨,迎来了建校110周年校庆。现代科技学院充分依托河北农业大学的学科基础和办学特色,经过11年的发展,在专业建设、学风建设、人才培养、教学质量等方面取得了丰硕成果,已发展成为省内多学科一体的综合性独立学院。 The 110th anniversary of Agricultural University of Hebei (AUH) is upcoming, the in- stitute of Modern Science and Technology as part of the university has been established for 11 years, it fully relies on the subjects of AUH foundation and school characteristics to achieve re- markable results in professional building, study- style construction, personnel training and teaching quality and it has developed into a comprehensive independent college with the best multi-disciplines in Hebei Province.
出处 《河北农业大学学报(农林教育版)》 2012年第5期131-133,共3页 Journal of Agricultural University of Hebei
关键词 现代科技学院 成果 综合性学院 Institute of Modern Science and Technology achievements comprehensive college
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