
普实克的郭沫若早期小说研究——《中国文学的三幅素描:郭沫若》 被引量:1

摘要 捷克斯洛伐克著名汉学家雅罗斯拉夫·普实克的论文集《中国文学的三幅素描》由普实克写作于1959年至1960年间的三篇论文《茅盾》、《郁达夫》和《郭沫若》组成。在《郭沫若》一文中,普实克以比较研究的方法,结合社会环境与历史背景分析了郭沫若于抗日战争前创作的19部短篇小说的特点,并将其与郁达夫小说的创作背景、主题、写作手法、影响源等进行了详细的分析比较。作者最后指出,郭沫若早期小说中所具有的大部分特征同时也能在他的诗歌、自传体作品、科学研究作品和戏剧作品中找到。
作者 杨玉英 廖进
出处 《现代中文学刊》 2012年第5期62-66,共5页 Journal of Modern Chinese Literature
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  • 1Jaroslav Prusek. Three Sketches of Chinese Literature (Dissertationes Orientales, Vol.20). Orental Institue in Academia Prague, 1969, p.9.
  • 2"Kuo Mo-jo" In Jaroslav Prusek. Three Sketches of Chinese Literature, Ibid.,1969, pp.99-140.~.
  • 3historian, of a chronicler, outbalances the attitude of a poet writing only for his inner experiences." In Jaroslav Prusek. Three Sketches of Chinese Literature. Ibid., 1969, p.101.
  • 4Jaroslav Prusek ed. Studies in Modern Chinese Literature. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1964.
  • 5"Kuo Mo-jo, on the contrary, struggles stubbornly with his depressions and moods of despair, his inner life is a constant dramatic conflict between feelings of despair, self- blame, longing for self-destruction and the consciousness of the obligations he has to life and especially to his family." In Jaroslav Prusek. Three Sketches of Chinese Literature. Ibid., 1969, pp.99-102.
  • 6"In this connexion it is of interest to note that Kuo Mo-jo's depressive thoughts spring from a specific situation and are not mere 'moods' , as so often with Yu Ta-fu." In Jaroslav Prusek. Three Sketches of Chinese Literature. Ibid., 1969, p.103.
  • 7"These emotional eruptions are reflected in his style by the constant questions, numerous ejaculations, exclamations and apostrophizations." In Jaroslav Prusek. Three Sketches of Chinese Literature. Ibid., 1969, pp.105-107.
  • 8"His pathos is not only the pathos of an unhappy human being or of a despairing poet, as was often the case in the old literature, but first and foremost of a passionate rebel and revolutionary; it is a trumpet-call rousing to action, summoning to the attack." In Jaroslav Prusek. Three Sketches of Chinese Literature. Ibid., 1969, lap. 108-110.
  • 9"Here we have a vivid picture of the spontaneous birth of Kuo Mo-jo' s creative writings, which is typical of both his autobiographical pieces and of his poems. It is very probable that it was this spontaneousness and immediacy that gained him the greatest sympathy among young people longing for sincere and frank expression." In Jaroslav Prusek. Three Sketches of Chinese Literature. Ibid., 1969, pp.ll2-113.
  • 10"... similar in mood and set in the same kind of tragic framework....The fairly long novella is cast in the form of a letter; ...this form, alongside the diary, the most subjective of mediums-keeps recurring in the literary production of Kuo Mo-jo." In Jaroslav Prusek. Three Sketches of Chinese Literature. Ibid., 1969, pp. 115-120.










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