
跨地域分布式云计算资源调度系统及实证 被引量:2

Empirical Study on Border-crossing and Distributed Computing Clouds Resource Scheduling System
摘要 首先对跨地域分布式资源调度在电网的应用进行必要性分析,提出实际IT环境中的问题和挑战,并分析目前市场上的云计算产品和解决方案的不足;其次结合电网的实际IT环境,对跨地域分布式资源调度的资源模型和调度策略进行研究,提出适用于电网的方案,并给出系统的技术架构和部署模式。最后,在实际生产环境中进行原型搭建,并结合电网的应用对该系统进行实证。 This paper first discusses the necessity of across geographical distributed IT resources scheduling in power grid,puts forward the problems and challenges of practical power grid IT environment,then analyzes the shortage of the current cloud computing products and solutions.Based on the study of across geographical distributed IT resources model and IT resource scheduling combined with the actual IT environment of power grid,this paper puts forward the solution of across geographical distributed resources scheduling system for power grid,and gives the system's architecture and deploy mode.Finally,it builds the prototype of the system in actual environment,and evaluates this system through running an application of the power grid on the system.
作者 林跃晓
出处 《计算机与现代化》 2012年第10期111-115,共5页 Computer and Modernization
关键词 云计算 跨地域 分布式IT资源 资源调度 cloud computing across-domain distributed IT resource resource scheduling
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