
Pre-harvest Fruit Losses and Physico-Chemical Analysis of Different Varieties of Pomegranate in Gilgit-Baltistan Pakistan

Pre-harvest Fruit Losses and Physico-Chemical Analysis of Different Varieties of Pomegranate in Gilgit-Baltistan Pakistan
摘要 The incidence of pre-harvest fruit losses of four pomegranate varieties were surveyed in fifteen villages of three valleys in Gilgit-Baltistan Pakistan during 2010-2011. These varieties were also used to analyze their chemical, physical and physiological properties. The results of the study revealed that mean pre-harvest loss in Jalalabad valley ranged from 11.65% -13.41%, 9.73%-28.87% in Bagrote and 13.81%-25.59% in Haramosh valley. Data obtained for chemical properties of these varieties showed variation in TSS from 11.14-14.3 (~Brix), acidity 0.39%-0.88%, and maturity index 12.72-36.5, reducing sugar 7.27-12.5 g/100 mL, seed oil 13.1%-14.34% and pH 2.46-3.04. Physical properties in terms of pulp, juice, peel ash, seed ash, seed moisture and peel moisture contents were found as 52.5%-53.7%, 33.16%-36.5%, 0.68%-0.70%, 0.57%-0.67%, 75.83%-79.92% and 70.8%-75.0% among the four varieties. Physiological properties viz., fruit length, fruit diameter, number of seed/fruit, fruit weight, 100 seed weight and seed/fruit weight were also recorded during this study. The overall results of the present study showed higher pre-harvest losses in Haramosh and Bagrote valleys that need to be addressed through improved crop management practices for economic benefits of the farming communities.
出处 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第9期997-1004,共8页 农业科学与技术(B)
关键词 POMEGRANATE varieties cracking SPOILAGE PHYSICO-CHEMICAL Gilgit-Baltistan Pakistan. 物理化学分析 石榴品种 巴基斯坦 收获前 损失 水果 数据显示 生理特性
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