The incidence of pre-harvest fruit losses of four pomegranate varieties were surveyed in fifteen villages of three valleys in Gilgit-Baltistan Pakistan during 2010-2011. These varieties were also used to analyze their chemical, physical and physiological properties. The results of the study revealed that mean pre-harvest loss in Jalalabad valley ranged from 11.65% -13.41%, 9.73%-28.87% in Bagrote and 13.81%-25.59% in Haramosh valley. Data obtained for chemical properties of these varieties showed variation in TSS from 11.14-14.3 (~Brix), acidity 0.39%-0.88%, and maturity index 12.72-36.5, reducing sugar 7.27-12.5 g/100 mL, seed oil 13.1%-14.34% and pH 2.46-3.04. Physical properties in terms of pulp, juice, peel ash, seed ash, seed moisture and peel moisture contents were found as 52.5%-53.7%, 33.16%-36.5%, 0.68%-0.70%, 0.57%-0.67%, 75.83%-79.92% and 70.8%-75.0% among the four varieties. Physiological properties viz., fruit length, fruit diameter, number of seed/fruit, fruit weight, 100 seed weight and seed/fruit weight were also recorded during this study. The overall results of the present study showed higher pre-harvest losses in Haramosh and Bagrote valleys that need to be addressed through improved crop management practices for economic benefits of the farming communities.