
市场经济和发展道路上的陷阱 被引量:2

The Market Economy and the Trap of the Development Road
摘要 世界近代以来的历史表明,各国经济发展道路上的陷阱和障碍,几乎都是和对市场经济体制的错误认识和排斥联系在一起的。市场经济只能在产权制度的基础上,在自由、平等、开放的社会条件下才能健康持续发展。"中等收入陷阱"是由于不进行彻底和根本性的改革,在特权制度基础上形成了病态的市场经济的结果。 The world modem history showed the traps and obstacle on way of the economic develop of every country almost come into contact with the misconception and repellence about the market economic system. The market economy can get the sustainable development only based on the property institutions and the social condition of freedom, equality, and opening. The middle income trap is the result of the sick market economy on the basis of the privilege institutions and does not make a thoroughgoing fundamental reform.
作者 周冰
出处 《河北经贸大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期32-36,共5页 Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Business
关键词 中等收入陷阱 发展中国家 市场经济 产权 特权 middle income trap developing countries market economy property rights privilege
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