

Study on Several Legal Issues of Virtual Legacy
摘要 信息技术的迅猛发展与网络空间的快速膨胀,使得大量网络虚拟财产散布在网络中。网络虚拟财产在用户逝去时,继承人是否有权继承的问题,这一点无论是在理论界还是实践中都存有很大争议。本文拟从网络遗产的法律属性进行分析得出网络遗产属于他物权,认识到当前网络遗产的继承困境进而提出相关措施进行保护。 Alone with the fast development of information technology and expanding cyber space, there are abundant virtual assets being distributed in the virtual on-line world. It becomes a controversial issue, both theoretical and practical, when a owner of certain virtual asset deceases, whether the legal heir can inher- it this virtual legacy? This essay has analysed the legal attribute of virtual legacy and made a conclusion that it falls into the category of Encumbrance (Jus in re aliena). Therefore, it points out the problem of inheriting the virtual legacy and proposes countermeasures for protecting such real right.
作者 李灿 刘璐
机构地区 云南大学
出处 《云南警官学院学报》 2012年第5期80-85,共6页 The Journal of Yunnan Police College
关键词 网络遗产 他物权 法律属性 Virtual Legacy Jus in re aliena Legal Attribute
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