通过对云锡有代表性的锡石多金属硫化矿 13- 2 - 1矿样的全面系统研究 ,提出了具有针对性的工艺措施 ,本文称其为AO法工艺。采用AO法工艺处理 13- 2 - 1矿样的混合浮选泡沫产品 ,可达到铜精矿品位18 89% ,回收率 90 11%的指标 ;对另外五个不同试料的验证试验表明 ,该工艺对云锡锡石硫化矿有较强的适应性和稳定性 ,具有较好的工业应用前景。
A tailored process,named as AO process here,was developed through comprehensive and systematic study on a representative sample 13-2-1 of cassiteritepolymetallic sulfide ore in Yunnan Tin Corp(YTC).The experiment with treating bulk flotation foam product of sample 13-2-1 by adopting AO process showed that concentrates of 18 89%Cu and copper recovery of 90 11% were achieved.Results of confirmation tests on another five different samples indicated that this process has the advantages of stronger adaptability and stability in processing YTC's cassiterite-polymetallic sulfide ore and good commercial application prospect.
Yunnan Metallurgy