总结1例550 g超低出生体质量儿合并全身皮肤严重糜烂的护理措施,具体有:(1)保温:维持适当的体温对超低出生体质量儿极为重要。(2)呼吸管理。(3)病情观察:严密观察患儿呼吸、心率、血压、尿量、反应、进食及大便颜色以及全身皮肤有无花纹、黄染、臀红及皮肤感染等现象。(4)糜烂皮肤护理:患儿入院时即合并有严重的感染,皮肤广泛糜烂,稍碰即破,在护理时特别要注意动作轻稳。避免在胸部及四肢粘贴电极片,在四肢末端戴表带式血氧饱和度探头,以尽量减少对皮肤的刺激等,最终促进提高对该类新生儿的临床救治及护理水平。
In paper we summarized the nursing measures for neonate with extremely low weight of 550 g who was complicated by general seriously - festered skin. ( 1 ) Warmth keeping: It is very important to keep appropriate body temperature for the neonate. (2) Respiratory management. (3) Observation of disease condition: It needs to closely observe the respiration. Heart rate, blood pressure, urine volume, response, food - intake, color of feces, and whether there are such conditions in the general skin as patterned - look, icterus, red hip, and infection. (4) Nursing on festered -skin : The neonate had had serious infection on admission and the skin would be broken down by slight touch because of extending erosion. So the nursing action should be slight and even. It is should be avoided to stick electrode plate on the chest or extremities, or to apply bracelet - typed blood oxygen saturation probe on the end of the extremities so that to reduce stimuli to the skin. And thus we can raise the levels of clinical nursing and treatment.
Chinese General Practice
Extremely low birth weight neonate
Nursing care