
人类CCR5三维结构的同源模建 被引量:3

Homology Modeling of Three-Dimensional Structure of Human CCR5
摘要 趋化因子受体(Chemokine receptor)是GPCR(G-protein coupled receptors)的超级家族成员,在各种免疫反应中有着重要的作用。CCR5是CC亚族趋化因子RANTES,MIP-1a,和MIP-1b的特异性受体。该文采用同源模建的方法,并通过胞外环区优化,动力学优化和能量最小化的方法初步得到了一个较为合理的CCR5的结构模型。说明该文采用的模建流程方法,在跨膜蛋白的同源模建中有着重要的作用,能给实际工作带来很好的指导作用。 Chemokine receptor is a superfamily memher of GPCRs (G-protein coupled receptors) ,which plays an important role in various immune responses. CCR5 is a CC subfamily of chemokines RANTES, MIP-1a, and MIP-1b specific receptor. Homology modeling methods were used to model the CCR5 receptor,and through the extracellular loops optimization,dynamic optimization and energy minimization method a more reasonable structure of CCR5 receptor model was obtained. It is indicated that the methods used in the process of transmembrane protein homology modeling play an important role in the practical work.
出处 《药物生物技术》 CAS CSCD 2012年第5期432-436,共5页 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
关键词 趋化因子受体 同源模建 三维结构 G-protein coupled receptors, CCR5, Homology modeling,Three-dimensional structure
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