通过实验室和现场试验研究 ,分析了包钢 J5 5石油套管冲击韧性和晶粒度的影响因素。采用提高锰含量 ,降低碳含量和增加钢中铝含量的钢种成分调整方案 ,并结合增加精炼手段、控制轧制温度等工艺改进措施 ,解决了套管冲击韧性低、晶粒粗大的问题 ,为包钢推荐了 J5 5石油套管的理想钢种成分。 5 0 0 0余 t的试验结果表明 ,用推荐钢种和改进后的生产工艺生产的 J5 5石油套管的各项性能指标均满足
The factors which influence toughness and grain size of J55 grade oil casing produced by Baotou Iron and Steel(Group)Co have been studied in detail through field investigation and experiments in laboratory The problems that the CVN toughness and grain size did not meet the standards were overcomed successfully by increasing the [Mn] and [Al] total and decreasing [C] in the steel with secondary refining and rolling temperature control The mechanical properties and grain size of some 5000 tons trial castings fully met the requirements specified by API standard The optimum steel chemistry and processing technology have been recommended to Baotou Iron and Steel(Group)Co
Iron and Steel