
共轭亚麻酸在体外细胞中的代谢与整合研究 被引量:6

摘要 目的以富含石榴酸(共轭亚麻酸异构体之一,含量达75.5%)的石榴籽油为材料,研究共轭亚麻酸在体外培养的肝癌细胞系HepG2中的代谢和整合状况。方法以含10μmol/L石榴酸处理HepG2 24h后进行脂肪酸分析。结果细胞中出现新的代谢产物,进一步通过GC-MS确认代谢产物为9顺,11反-共轭亚油酸(c9,t11-18:2),c9,t11-18:2,含量占总脂肪酸的2.78%,石榴酸含量占总脂肪酸的0.67%。结论石榴酸代谢产物酸能在体外细胞内整合,且整合到细胞内的石榴酸大部分进一步代谢成为c9,t11-18:2。 Objective The incorporation and metabolism of conjugated linolenic acid(CLNA) in the HepG2 cell cultured in vitro were studied by using the pomegranate(Punica granatum) seed oil rich in punicic acid(one isomer of CLNA).Method The HepG2 cell was treated by 10 μmol/L punicic acid for 24h and the fatty acids were determined.Results The metabolite was confirmed as cis-9,trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid(c9,t11-18:2) by further identifying and analyzing by GC-MS.The proportion of c9,t11-18:2 and punicic acid in HepG2 cell were 2.78% and 0.67% after 24 h treatment of punicic acid respectively.The results showed that CLNA was incorporated into the HepG2 cell,and most CLNA was metabolized to c9,t11-18:2 in the HepG2 cell,presumably as result of metabolism by saturation reaction.
出处 《营养学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期454-457,共4页 Acta Nutrimenta Sinica
基金 浙江省自然基金(No.LY12C20007) 浙江海洋学院科研启动经费资助项目(No.21135010910)
关键词 石榴酸 共轭亚麻酸 共轭亚油酸 代谢 体外 punicic acid conjugated linolenic acid conjugated linoleic acid metabolism in vitro
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