
中药不同组方对胃癌前病变模型大鼠胃黏膜细胞ROS、Ca^(2+)表达的影响 被引量:7

Expression of ROS,Ca^(2+) in gastric tissue of rats with precancerous lesions treated by different traditional Chinese herbs
摘要 [目的]探讨不同组方中药对胃癌前病变模型大鼠胃黏膜活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)、钙离子(Ca2+)表达的影响。[方法]采用化学药物刺激的方法复制了慢性萎缩性胃炎伴不典型增生动物模型并分组用药物干预,用流式细胞仪检测各组大鼠胃组织中ROS、Ca2+表达的变化。[结果]无论是预防组还是治疗组,模型对照大鼠胃黏膜细胞中的ROS、Ca2+明显减少,中药、西药的干预均可以使ROS、Ca2+的表达增加,与模型对照大鼠比较均差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),健脾化瘀中药要好于其他药物。[结论]各组方中药均可以通过增加胃组织中ROS、Ca2+的表达达到对胃癌前病变的组方作用,健脾化瘀中药的作用要明显好于健脾益气方、活血化瘀方。 [Objective]To explore the effect of different traditional Chinese herbs on the expression of reactive oxygen species(ROS),Ca^2+in gastric tissue of rats with chronic atrophic gastritis with atypical hyperplasia.[Methods]Special chemical substances were used to stimulate rats to replicate the model of chronic atrophic gastritis with atypical hyperplasia.The expression of ROS,Ca^2+ in gastric tissue were detected by microplate reader for enzyme activity.[Results]In the model group,the expression of ROS,Ca^2+decreased markedly and the treatment of TCM and Western medicine increased the expressions significantly(P〈0.05),especially the Jianpihuayu herbs' treatment.[Conclusion]Herbs of strengthening spleen and dissipating blood stasis,strengthening spleen,dissipating blood stasis have good effects in prevention and treatment of the chronic atrophic gastritis with atypical hyperplasia,which might be related to the increase of the expression of ROS,Ca^2+ in gastric tissue.Herbs with the function of strengthening spleen and dissipating blood stasis are more effective than the other two kinds of herbs.
作者 李岩 王垂杰
出处 《中国中西医结合消化杂志》 CAS 2012年第10期447-449,共3页 Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine on Digestion
关键词 胃炎 慢性萎缩性 胃癌前病变 脾虚血瘀 健脾化瘀 活性氧 钙离子 chronic atrophic gastritis gastric preneoplastic lesions spleen deficiency and blood stasis strengthening spleen and dissipating blood stasis reactive oxygen species Ca2+
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