目的:探讨川崎病(KD)的临床特征、实验室检查、冠脉损害的危险因素及治疗方法。方法:我院儿科2000年1月~2010年1月诊治的160例KD患儿资料进行了回顾性分析和总结。结果:160例KD中典型126例,不典型34例,男112例,女48例。年龄最小6个月,最大11岁。〈1岁41例,1~3岁68例,3~5岁21例,〉5岁30例。平均发病年龄2岁6个月。合并冠脉损害者44例,其中冠脉扩张26例,冠脉瘤13例,巨大冠脉瘤5例。对合并冠脉损害者随访6个月至3年,完全恢复正常40例,5例巨大冠脉瘤患者,1例完全恢复,其余4例未恢复。结论:不典型KD冠脉损害率高,发病10 d内用丙球效果好,2g/kg单次注射,明显优于每日0.4 g/kg连用5 d的疗法,WBC升高,ALB降低,男性及发热时间长是KD合并冠脉损害的危险因素。
Objective:To investigate the clinical features,laboratory examination,risk factors of coronary artery lesions and treatment for kawasaki disease.Methods:A total of 160 patients with Kawasaki disease hospitalized in Inner Mongolia Forestry General hospital during Janualy 2000 and Janualy 2010 were reviewed.Results:Among 160cases,126 were diagnosed with typical KD and 34 atypical(incomplete) KD;112were male and 48 were female,male to female ratio is 2.2:1.the age was between 6 months and 11years old;21 between 3~5 years old,30 over 5 years old.The mean age was 2 years and 6 months old.Totaly 44 cases were complicated with coro-nary artery lesions,including 26 coronary artery dilations,13 coronary artery aneurysms and 5 giant coronary artery aneu-rysms.the patients with CA lesions were followed up from 6 months to 3 years,40cases regressed completely,1 of 5 cases with giant CA aneurysmreg ressed completely,and other 4 cases didn't regress,1 case complicated with coronary thrombo sis.Conclusion:Atypical KD has higher prevalence of CA lesions.Children receiving IVIG 2 g/kg in the early 10 d ays of KD has little chance of CAL.The sing ledose of 2g/kg IVIG administration has better outcome.Jhe risk factors of CA le-sions incoude high WBC count,low ALBlevel ,male children and persistent fever.
Inner Mongolia Medical Journal
Kawasaki disease
Atypical Kawasaks disease
Coronary artery Lesions
Gamma globulin