

Effects of Four Types of Distributive Justice on Job Satisfaction Using a Large-Scale Representative Sample of China
摘要 基于Adams和Jasso的两种分配公平理论以及自我和他人两类参照对象,本研究将分配公平感测量区分为自我参照的主观公平感、他人参照的主观公平感、自我参照的客观公平感和他人参照的客观公平感四类指标。通过采用大规模代表性样本,探讨四类公平感指标对工作满意度的影响及作用方式。结果表明,自我参照的主观公平感指标对工作满意度有显著预测作用,其他三类指标预测作用不显著;实际收入负向调节自我参照的主观公平感对工作满意度的影响。四类分配公平感指标中只有自我参照的主观公平感对工作满意度有预测作用;低收入群体自我参照的主观公平感对其工作满意度的预测作用更强。 The current study aimed to explore the effects of four types of distributive justice indices,i.e.,subjective self-reference justice,subjective other-reference justice,objective self-reference justice and objective other-reference justice,on job satisfaction using a large-scale representative sample of China.Results suggested that subjective self-reference justice was the significant predictor of job satisfaction,and the other three indices were not;the actual income negatively moderated its effect on job satisfaction.Conclusions: among all the four types of distributive justice indices,only the subjective self-reference justice was the significant predictor of job satisfaction;the subjective self-reference justice had greater impact on job satisfaction when the income was low rather than high.
作者 张颖 白新文
出处 《人类工效学》 2012年第3期31-36,共6页 Chinese Journal of Ergonomics
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目(KSCX2-YW-R-130) 中国科学院心理研究所青年科学基金项目(O8CX025002)
关键词 分配公平 工作满意度 主观公平感 社会交换理论 distributive justice job satisfaction subjective justice society exchange theory
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