

Analysis and Optimization Strategies on the Plant Community in Erfei Mountain in Wuhan City
摘要 采用典型样地法和群落多样性指数模型法调查和分析了二妃山的植物群落多样性。结果表明:样地中共有植物88科243属329种,以灌木和草本物种的多样性较高,乔木物种尤其是常绿乔木的多样性偏低。山体植被主要分为4个植被型组、7个植被型、18个群系、21个群丛,包括零散分布在下坡的落叶阔叶林,较大面积分布于中上坡的常绿针叶林,以及大面积连通或点缀其间的灌丛和灌草丛。山上缺乏自然生长的常绿阔叶林等植被。由于垃圾填埋、挖方、修路等人类活动的强烈干扰,植物群落的结构和物种组成都较简单,具有"乔-灌-草"3层结构的复层林甚少,物种多样性水平总体不高。不同植被类型的物种多样性指数H'、D和均匀度指数Jsw表现出基本一致的变化趋势:落叶阔叶林>常绿针叶林;落叶阔叶灌丛>常绿阔叶灌丛>草丛群落。群落内各层的物种多样性表现为:常绿针叶林(灌木层>草本层>乔木层),落叶阔叶林(草本层>灌木层>乔木层),皆以乔木层的物种多样性水平最低。为提升二妃山作为城市生态绿楔的价值,促进人居环境与自然环境的和谐发展,提出了保护和优化其现状植被的建议。 Erfei Mountain is located among various industrial and culture parks in Wuhan,Hubei Province,with a variety of ecological functions.The typical sample method and diversity index model methods were adopted to investigate and analyze the diversity of the plant communities in Erfei Mountain.The results showed that there are 88 families,including 243 genera and 329 species in these samples,among which,the shrub species and herb species possess the highest diversity,while the tree species has lower diversity,and among them,the diversity of evergreen trees is the lowest.The mountain vegetation can be divided into 4 vegetation-forms groups,7 vegetation types,18 formations and 21 associations,including deciduous broad-leaved forests scatteredly distributed in the downhill,evergreen coniferous forest widespreadly distributed in the upper and middle slopes,and a large area of shrub thickets and shrub-grasslands.However,it lacks evergreen broad-leaved forest vegetation naturally growing in the mountain.Due to the intense interfere of human activities such as landfill,cutting,and road repairing,both of the stucture and the species that composed the plant communities are quite simple,and the multistoried forest with three layers form of "tree-shrub-grass" is so rare.As a whole,the level of species diversity is not high.The Margalef richness index(D),Shannon-Wiener diversity index(H′),Pielou evenness index(Jsw)of different vegetation types showed a roughly coincident changing tendency: deciduous broad-leaved forest evergreen coniferous forest;deciduous broad-leaved shrub evergreen broad leaved shrub hassocks communities.Species diversity of each layer in evergreen coniferous forest is shown as: shrub layer herb layer tree layer,and in deciduous broad-leaved forest as: herb layer shrub layer tree layer,tree layer has the lowest species diversity level in both of them.In order to boost the value of the Erfei Mountain for being the city ecological green wedge,and to promote harmonious development of human settlements and natural environment,a series of suggestions to protect and optimize the existing vegetation system are put forward.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2012年第31期15303-15307,15340,共6页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 湖北省教育厅高等学校优秀中青年科技创新团队项目(T201225) 湖北第二师范学院二级科研创新团队计划项目(2012K203)及抗癌植物资源开发利用中青年创新团队计划项目 湖北第二师范学院应用化学重点学科(生物方向)建设项目
关键词 二妃山 植物群落 优化对策 Erfei Mountain Plant community Optimization strategies
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