
外部治理对企业技术创新影响的理论分析 被引量:3

The Theoretical Analysis of the Effect of External Governance on Corporate Technology Innovation
摘要 归纳了外部治理所包含的10个具体的因素,并结合物理学的力学模型分析了外部治理的10个要素对企业技术创新的影响,然后,提出了考虑中间作用的企业技术创新动力机制模型,因此建议企业要识别其中的积极因素与消极因素,更好的发挥其对企业技术创新的作用。 With the deeper and deeper openness of the world economy and the emerging systems of complex products, the relationship between the corporate and the external environment is becoming closer and closer. Depending on this , this article analysises the effects of factors of external governance on corporate technology innovation, giving the advices that the corporate should recognize the important effect and the positive and neg- ative factors to make good use of the effect of external governance mechanisms on corporate technology innovation.
出处 《科技和产业》 2012年第10期84-88,共5页 Science Technology and Industry
关键词 外部治理 企业技术创新 动力机制模型 external governance corporate technology innovation driving mechanism system model
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