
贵州省县级疾控部门艾滋病防治能力调研报告 被引量:1

The survey of capacity building of county-level CDCs in HIV/AIDS prevention and control in Guizhou Province
摘要 目的了解贵州省县级疾控部门防治艾滋病的工作情况,分析其能力建设方面有待完善的因素。方法以贵州省9个地州88个县作为样本进行问卷调查、统计与分析。结果县级疾控部门防治艾滋病方面存在人员少、经费缺、部门协调较差等问题。结论下一步应从机制建设、人员素质提升、支撑环境构建等方面进行防治能力的提升。 Objective To understand the situation of preventing and controlling of HIV/AtDS in county level CDCs in Guizhou Province, and analyze the factors related to the improvement of institutional capacity building. Method A total of 88 counties from 9 regions/prefectures in Guizhou Province were selected as samples of a questionnaire survey. Results Some problems were experienced in county level CDCs,such as insufficient staff and funds and poor inter-departmental coordination. Conclusion Capacity building should be initiated by improving quality of the staff,working mechanism and supporting environment in the future.
作者 杜双燕
出处 《中国艾滋病性病》 CAS 2012年第8期553-555,564,共4页 Chinese Journal of Aids & STD
关键词 疾控部门 艾滋病 防治能力 Disease control centers AIDS Prevention and control capacity
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  • 1贵州省卫生厅疾控处.贵州省艾滋病防治概况[Z].2010.
  • 2贵州省人民政府办公厅.贵州省贯彻落实《中国遏制与防治AIDS行动计划(2006-2010年)》实施方案[Z].2006-07-27.
  • 3贵州省AIDS疫情处于低流行态势,但疫情呈上升趋势[EB/OL].新华网贵州频道,2009-12-03.
  • 4骆华松.云南省AIDS防治政策研究[M].北京:中国人口出版社,2006.




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