构造Internet上的专家系统对扩大知识的共享范围具有重要意义。目前在Internet上建造专家系统有两种模式:一是将传统专家系统移植到网上;一是构建 Internet上的多专家分布式协作系统。文章深入讨论了第一种模式,分析了基于Web的专家系统的体系结构和核心部件(推理机和知识库)的实现方法,研究了各类动态web解决方案对建造Internet上的专家系统的适应性;认为动态 web系统为开发Internet上的专家系统提供了良好的环境。
It is very signifieant to build an expert system on the Internet.Currently,there are tow types of way to do this,One is to translate the traditional expert system into the Internet expert system and other is to build multi-ex- pert-system on the Internet.The dynamic Web system delivers an available environment for developing expert systems on the Internet platform.In this article,It discusses the architecture and implementation of an expert system based on the Web techniques.And It also discusses the suitability of various dynamic web system solution for developing In- ternet expert system.
Computer Engineering and Applications