
自体肋软骨片移植矫治鼻孔外翻及鼻端延长术 被引量:2

Correction of short and upwardly rutatcd nose by transplanting autogenuus rib cartilage
摘要 目的探讨以整块自体肋软骨片移植矫治鼻孔外翻及鼻端延长术的治疗效果。方法切取一整块自体肋软骨,削薄成片状,移植于鼻中隔前端,延长鼻中隔,将鼻端前移以修复鼻孔外露,增加鼻长。伴低鼻者同时置入假体隆鼻。结果56例朝天鼻伴短鼻患者,术后鼻尖平均延长0.75cm.鼻唇角角度过大及鼻孔外翻矫正达到正常,其中54例(96%)手术效果优良,2例不佳,术后随访1年,效果稳定。结论整块自体肋软骨片移植矫正鼻孔外翻及鼻端延长术。效果可靠,满意度高,值得推荐推广。 Objective To discuss the effecl of transplanting autogenous rib cartilage in correc- tion of short and upwardly rotated nose. Methods A piece of autogenous rib cartilage was transplan- ted into the front of nasal septa to lengthen it, leading to the nasal tip moving forwards and correcting the short and upwardly rotated nose. For low nose cases, simultaneous implants was used into the na sal hack. Results The nasal tips were prolonged 0. 75 cm on average after operation in 56 patients with short and upturned noses. The nasolahial angle and extent of nostril exposure were normal after operation. The operational consequences were i'ine in 54 patients, while 2 case were not satisfactory. Efficacy was stable (luring one year follow up. Conclusions This method is reliable, and it can he rec ommended in rhinoplasty of patients with short and upwardly rotated nose.
出处 《中华医学美学美容杂志》 2012年第5期344-346,共3页 Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology
关键词 自体肋软骨 鼻孔外翻 短鼻 Autogenous rib cartilage Upturned nose Short nose
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