
基于频谱相关的时域盲分离排序算法 被引量:1

A Permutation Method in Blind Source Separation Based on Correlation of Spectrum
摘要 由于水声信道的时变性,水声信号分离后存在排序模糊性,限制了盲分离算法的应用。针对盲分离后信号存在排序模糊性的问题,提出了一种基于频谱相关的盲分离排序算法。根据水声环境中各信号的频谱差异,对分离后信号进行重新排序,来改善盲分离算法的排序模糊性。仿真实验表明,该算法可以有效消除分离信号的顺序不确定性,提高盲分离算法的性能。 Because the signal channel changes every minute, acoustic signals underwater have permutation inconsistency after separation, which limits the performance of blind source separation. To solve permutation problem, a method in blind source separation based on correlation of spectrum is presented. According to contrast of signals ' spectrum, signals are per- mutated in order to improve performance of blind source separation. The result shows that it is an effective method in eliminating the permutation inconsistency.
出处 《电声技术》 2012年第10期63-66,共4页 Audio Engineering
关键词 盲分离 排序模糊性 频谱相关 水声信号 blind source separation permutation inconsistency correlation of spectrum acoustic signals underwater
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