
大豆地方品种叶片叶柄茸毛性状的形态变异及其与豆卷叶螟抗性的相关分析 被引量:10

Morphological Variation of Pubescence on Leaf Blade and Petiole and Their Correlation with Resistance to Bean Pyralid (Lamprosema indicata Fabricius) in Soybean Landraces
摘要 大豆茎、叶、荚普遍着生茸毛,表现有末端形态、密度、长度和角度(着生状态)的差异。本文利用地方品种群体研究了大豆叶片和叶柄茸毛性状的变异、区域差异、相互关系及其与大豆对豆卷叶螟抗性的关系。大豆叶片茸毛密度、长度、角度和叶柄茸毛角度在全国393份代表性大豆地方品种间存在大幅度变异,变幅分别为4.8~105.9根·10 mm-2(无茸毛品种除外),0.22~0.94 mm,0°~88°和5°~90°。叶片茸毛密度、长度和角度大的品种较少,而叶柄茸毛角度小的品种较少。393份大豆地方品种中尖型茸毛末端品种127份。叶片茸毛长度、角度、末端形态及叶柄茸毛角度与地理生态区有关,生态区I的叶片茸毛较长,生态区I和II的叶片茸毛角度较大,生态区I、II和III的钝型茸毛末端比率较高,生态区I、II和V的叶柄茸毛角度较大,而叶片茸毛密度与生态区无关。叶柄、叶片茸毛角度及叶片茸毛长度间相互呈极显著正相关,叶片茸毛密度与长度间呈极显著负相关。叶片茸毛密度和长度在茸毛末端形态间也有显著差异,尖型茸毛末端的品种茸毛密度较大,长度较短。豆卷叶螟引起的虫包数和卷叶率与叶片、叶柄茸毛角度及叶片茸毛长度极显著正相关,而与叶片茸毛密度显著负相关,与茸毛末端形态无关。叶片茸毛角度与抗虫性指标相关性最强,角度越小越抗虫,是大豆抗豆卷叶螟的重要因子。 The tip shape,density,length and angle(status)of pubescence on stem,leaf and pod in soybean vary essentially among varieties and materials.This paper aims to reveal the variation of pubescence traits on leaf blade and petiole,their regional characteristics,their mutual correlations and their correlation with resistance to bean pyralid(Lamprosema indicata Fabricius)in Chinese soybean landraces.Significant differences were found in soybean pubescence density,length,angle on leaf blade and angle on petiole,with the range of 4.8-105.9 hairs·10 mm-2(except for hairless landrace),0.22-0.94 mm,0°-88° and 5°-90°,respectively.The numbers of landraces with long pubescence,high pubescence density,big pubescence angle on leaf blade,small pubescence angle on petiole were small relative to their counterparts.Among 393 landraces,127 were of sharp pubescence tip.The pubescence length,angle,tip shape on blade and angle on petiole were relatively differentiated among geographic regions.The pubescence length of landraces from varietal eco-region I is longer,the pubescence angle on leaf blade from varietal eco-region I and II were bigger,the blunt tip shape in varietal eco-region I,II and III were more and the pubescence angle on petiole from varietal eco-region I,II and V were bigger than those in their counterpart varietal eco-regions,while the pubescence density did not show relationship with their geographic sources.Significantly positive correlations were observed among pubescence angle on leaf petiole,pubescence angle and length on leaf blade,while significant negative correlation was detected between pubescence density and length on leaf blade.The pubescence density and length were significantly different between sharp and blunt pubescence tip,those with sharp pubescence tip had more and shorter pubescence.Two indicators of resistance to bean pyralid,rolled leaflet number(RLN)and rolled leaflet percentage(RLP),were significantly positively correlated with pubescence angle,length on leaf blade,angle on petiole and significantly negatively correlated with pubescence density on leaf blade,but no correlation with pubescence tip shape was observed.Among which,the correlation between pubescence angle on leaf blade and resistance to bean pyralid was the highest,thus small pubescence angle on leaf blade was the most important resistance characteristic.
出处 《大豆科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期691-696,共6页 Soybean Science
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目(2009CB1184 2010CB1259 2011CB1093) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30900902 31071442) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助课题(20090097120017) 国家大学生创新性实验计划项目(111030713) 南京农业大学SRT项目(1111A03)
关键词 大豆 茸毛 豆卷叶螟 抗虫性 区域差异 Soybean Pubescence Bean pyralid ( Lamprosema indicata Fabricius) Resistance to insect Regional difference
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