
新形势下提升军队后勤保障服务工作质量的探讨 被引量:6

Under the New Situation,the Army Logistics Support Services to Enhance the Quality of the Work
摘要 军队后勤保障服务工作的顺利开展是巩固军事国防的基础,影响着战争的中战略战术的有效实施,关系到战争的成败。科学技术的迅猛发展加速了战争形式的变革,传统的机械式战争时代已经成为过去式,现阶段战争的主要形式是网络信息战,战争形式的变化对军队后勤保障服务工作开始有了新的要求,本文从军队后勤保障服务工作的意义出发,分析现阶段军队后勤保障服务工作的不足之处,从而提出策略以提高服务质量。 The army rear service work is the consolidation of military defense foundation, it influences the tactical and the strategy which can be effective implementation in the war, and matter to the success or failure of war. The rapid development of science and technology make the war form change more quickly, the traditional mechanical war era has become a thing of the past, nowadays the main war form is the network information war, the changes of the war form make the army logistics support services began to have new requirement, this article from the army rear service work significance, analysis shows stage army logistics support services inadequate, thus puts forward the strategies to improve the quality of service.
机构地区 北京解放军第
出处 《现代生物医学进展》 CAS 2012年第28期5577-5579,共3页 Progress in Modern Biomedicine
基金 国家科技重大专项"十二五"课题(中医药防治病毒性肝炎的临床科研基地建设>2012zx10005010-002-002)
关键词 军队 后勤保障 战争 提升质量 Army Logistics support War Improving quality
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