
基于APN置换的分组密码S盒研究 被引量:2

Research of Block Cipher S-box Based on APN Permutation
摘要 S盒是分组密码中唯一非线性部件,S盒的密码强度决定了整个密码算法的安全强度。输入变量为偶数的APN置换函数是构造分组密码S盒的最佳选择,寻找这种函数一直是一个公开问题。利用输入变量为6的APN置换函数的最新研究成果,应用仿射置换变换设计出6位的APN S盒,再应用动态S盒的设计思想,实现一种主流的8位S盒。 S-box is the only non-linear component in the block cipher.And its security determines the whole of the cryptographic algorithm.APN permutation is the best choice for constructing block cipher S-box,where the input variable is even.It’s a public problem whether exiting this APN permutation.The latest research result of APN permutation,which the input variable is 6,be used to affine transform design the 6-bit APN S-box.Then the paper applies the thinking of the dynamic S-box to achieve the mainstream 8-bit S-box.
作者 付敏峰
机构地区 浙江师范大学
出处 《计算机安全》 2012年第10期17-19,共3页 Network & Computer Security
关键词 APN置换 S盒 APNS盒 仿射变换 APN permutation S-box APN S-box Affine transform
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