
采用听觉滤波器的宽带MUSIC声源定位方法 被引量:7

Auditory filter based broadband MUSIC algorithm for sound source localization
摘要 在分析了采用短时傅里叶变换的宽带MUSIC声源定位算法(SF-MUSIC)存在问题的基础上,提出了一种采用听觉滤波器的宽带MUSIC声源定位算法(AF-MUSIC)。该算法使用听觉滤波器组对传声器阵列接收到的信号进行不等带宽分解后,在各个频率通道上使用MUSIC算法进行声源定位,并结合子区间频数估计法得出最终定位结果。对算法进行的实验评估表明,在不同声源类型条件下,相比SF-MUSIC算法,AF-MUSIC算法的平均估计误差减少2.5479°,有效地提高了声源波达方向估计的精度。 Based on the analysis of the shortcomings of broadband MUSIC algorithm with short-time Fourier trans- form (SF-MUSIC) for sound source localization, a broadband MUSIC algorithm with auditory filter (AF-MUSIC) was proposed. The proposed algorithm first employs auditory filterbank to decompose the signals received on the microphone array, and then locates the sound source with MUSIC algorithm over every frequency channel. At last, by combining with the subinterval frequency estimation, the final localization result is gained. Evaluations on the proposed algorithm prove that comparing with the SF-MUSIC algorithm, the AF-MUSIC algorithm decreases the average error of the estimation results with 2.5479 degree in different source conditions. The accuracy of sound source DOA estimation is enhanced effectively.
出处 《声学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期642-650,共9页 Acta Acustica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(90820011,91120303,90820303) 福建省自然科学基金项目(2009J01296)
关键词 MUSIC算法 声源定位 定位方法 滤波器 宽带 听觉 短时傅里叶变换 定位算法 Acoustic generators Algorithms Wavelet analysis
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