
高温烟气颗粒物在线检测装置性能评价 被引量:1

Performance assessment of high temperature flue gas on-line particle size analyzer
摘要 为评价高温工况下颗粒物在线检测装置的性能,在催化裂化高温烟气过滤实验装置上使用光学在线颗粒物检测装置测定了过滤器下游烟气中的催化剂浓度及粒径分布,同时用离线式粉尘等动采样装置和Coulter粒径分析仪测量过滤器上游与下游的催化剂浓度和粒径分布,对在线式的测量结果进行验证。考虑了温度对在线式测量结果的影响。实验结果表明:在线式检测装置可以在操作温度320~465℃,操作压力0.21MPa工况下实现稳定的测量,在线式测量结果和离线式测量结果吻合很好,实验和计算模拟结果表明操作温度对实验测量的影响可以忽略。在此基础上,针对煤化工行业的实际工况,提出了利用迭代方式来获得在线测量结果修正值的方法,该方法对煤化工工艺中高温气体管道内颗粒物的在线测定同样具有指导意义。 In order to evaluate the performance of on-line particles test equipment at high temperature,an optical on-line particle size analyzer was used to test catalyst particles concentration and particle size distribution(PSD)downstream of a fluid catalytic cracking(FCC)flue gas filtration test facility.At the same time,an off-line sampling system tested catalyst particles concentration both upstream and downstream of the facility.Catalyst PSD and microstructure were measured with Coulter counter particle size analyzer and scanning electron microscopy(SEM).The off-line test results agreed well with the results of on-line particle size analyzer.Experimental results showed that the on-line test equipment had high accuracy when operating pressure was 0.21 MPa and operating temperature ranged from 320℃ to 465℃.Experimental and simulation results showed that operating temperature almost had no influence on test measurement.On this basis,aiming at real condition of coal chemical industry,an iterated method was developed to correct on-line measurement results,which could provide a guideline to determine the particulate matter in high temperature pipeline in coal chemical industry.
出处 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期3506-3512,共7页 CIESC Journal
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(2012CB720504)~~
关键词 催化裂化 在线检测装置 高温烟气 粒径分布 fluid catalytic cracking on-line particle size analyzer high temperature flue gas particle size distribution
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