
白带常规联合生化快速检测方法诊断下生殖道感染 被引量:10

Method of leukorrhea routine examination combined with biochemical fast detection on diagnosing lower genital tract infection
摘要 目的调查杭州市滨江区下生殖道感染情况。方法采用白带常规检测方法联合需氧菌阴道炎/细菌性阴道病五项联合测定技术对就诊者的阴道分泌物进行检测。结果在500名就诊者中,检出下生殖道感染患者465例,其中单一性感染216例(46.5%),混合感染患者249例(53.6%)。在249例混合感染中,主要为需氧菌引起的合并感染,占混合感染的65.9%。结论白带常规检测方法联合需氧菌阴道炎/细菌性阴道病五项联合测定技术的检测方法可对下生殖道感染作出全面明确诊断。 Objective To investigate lower genital tract infection in Binjiang district,Hangzhou.Methods Vaginal discharges were detected by leukorrhea routine examination combined with aerobic vaginitis and bacterial vaginosis joint determination technique.Results In 500 patients,465 were found having lower genital tract infection,including 216(46.5%) cases of single infection and 249(53.6%) cases of mixed infections.Among the 249 cases of mixed infections,65.9% of the infections were caused by multi-aerobic bacteria.Conclusion The method of leukorrhea routine examination combined with aerobic vaginitis and bacterial vaginosis joint determination technique is effective for diagnosing lower genital tract infections.
作者 莫桂萍
出处 《中国微生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2012年第10期934-935,共2页 Chinese Journal of Microecology
关键词 下生殖道感染 需氧菌阴道炎 生化检测 Lower genital tract infections Aerobic vaginitis Biochemical detection
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