
濒危物种金斑喙凤蝶的行为特征及其对生境的适应性 被引量:9

Behavior characteristics and habitat adaptabilities of the endangered butterfly Teinopalpus aureus in Mount Dayao
摘要 金斑喙凤蝶(Teinopalpus aureus)1985年被IUCN列为红色名录种,1989年被我国列为一级保护种,此后便日益受到人们关注,然而,至今为止对其野外生存、行为及生境适应等认识仍很模糊。在广西金秀县大瑶山设定4个研究区域,以线路调查法计数成虫与幼期个体数,定点跟踪观察法记录成虫交配行为、产卵行为、幼虫取食行为等。结果显示:金斑喙凤蝶主要在湿季(4—10月底,月降水量>50 mm)生长、发育与繁殖后代。金斑喙凤蝶在行为上表现出对温度的主动选择性,幼虫在17—24℃时取食行为活跃,雄蝶在19—26℃时山顶行为活跃,均表现出中温选择性;然而,雌蝶多选择在正午时刻产卵,期间温度为27—30℃,表现出高温选择性。雄蝶活动对生境地形表现出主动选择性,(87.34±7.58)%(n=339)的雄蝶选择飞向山顶,他们每日上午6:00至11:00在山顶聚集,绕圈飞行或停息,而以山顶停息为主,占山顶活动时间的(77.87±19.32)%。雄蝶通常停息在山顶的高枝位叶片上或山顶周缘的叶片上,以便迅速发现并拦截飞经的雌蝶,获得交配机会。因而,金斑喙凤蝶在交配策略上主要采取雄蝶等候的方式。停息期间,雄蝶表现出明显的占区行为,首先停息在某一区域的雄蝶在领域权竞争中通常都是最后的胜利者,赢得领域,获得更多交配机会。野外观察发现,金斑喙凤蝶的天敌种类较多,野外存活率偏低,最后羽化率仅为38.9%(n=20)。对于存活个体而言,他们已明显进化形成一套复杂的防御体系,主要包括由保护色、颜色拟态、形状拟态等组建的初级防御体系和由眼斑展示、身体晃动、Y-腺伸出等组建的次级防御体系。另外,老熟幼虫多选择在林下层的灌木丛或竹丛的隐蔽枝条上化蛹,化蛹高度为(1.82±1.58)m(n=20),这种对化蛹场所的主动选择行为可提高其蛹期的防御能力。研究结果说明,在自然选择作用下,金斑喙凤蝶对其阔叶林生境的适应性行为特征非常明显,然而,生境破坏(砍伐等)或人类强度干扰(林下层垦殖等)将使这些适应性行为失效,并威胁到该珍稀蝴蝶种群的繁衍生息,甚至导致局部灭绝的发生。 Teinopalpus aureus was listed as a protected species in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species since 1985,and a Chinese first-class protected species since 1989.It is concerned increasingly by people throughout the world.However,we now still unknown its field status,habitat adaptabilities etc..In this study,we selected four sites in Dayaoshan,Guangxi Province,China,to count adult and early stages(egg,larva and pupa) by the method of route survey,and to record its mating,ovipositing and feeding behaviors by the method of on-site tracking observation.Results showed that T.aureus grew in wet season(from April to October,with 50mm/month in precipitation).This butterfly showed active selectivity to temperature,which larvae fed actively during 17℃ to 24℃,and males hilltoped actively during 19℃ to 26℃,while females preferred to oviposit at noon when temperature was relatively high,during 27℃ to 30℃.Males showed topographically choice behavior,and(87.34±7.58)% of males(n=339) preferred to fly up hilltops(not hillsides) in surveys.They aggregated there during 6:00am to 11:00am,flying or perching,and spent(77.87±19.32)% of time in the latter.Moreover,males always perched on those leaves located high branches or the edges of hilltop,where they "waiting" for females to obtain mating opportunity and showed the type of "perching" in mating strategy.Males showed territoriality while perching on hilltops,and often,who firstly perched in a domain would be the last winner in male-male competition over territorial ownership.This study also showed that T.aureus had a high mortality in field,and the rate of pupa emergence was only 38.9%(n=20).As for the survivals,a complicated defense system was observed,including the primary defense system(protective or cryptic color,color or shape mimicry etc.) and the second defense system(ocular-spot demonstrating,body swaying,yellow Y-gland stretching etc.).Moreover,the fully matured larva preferred to pupate under a cluster of leave in bushes or bamboo graves in the under-story of forest,and the height of pupation site was(1.82±1.58)m(n=20).Our results suggest that T.aureus evolve some specific behaviors to adapt the specific habitat of broad-leaves forest under the pressure of nature selectivity.However,habitat destructions(e.g.felling) or interference(e.g.the under-story′s reclamation) might make more individuals of T.aureus fail to live,and then threat the endangered butterfly′s population,or even lead to the extinction of local population.
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第20期6527-6534,共8页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31160430-C040501) 湖北省自然科学基金项目(2009CDZ034)
关键词 金斑喙凤蝶 野外研究 行为 温度 交配策略 适应性 Teinopalpus aureus field study behavior temperature mating strategy adaptability
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