
锥形束CT的特点及其在正畸专业中的应用 被引量:4

Features and the use of cone beam computed tomography in orthodontics
摘要 在正畸治疗中,X线检查对明确患者的错类型、制定错畸形患者的矫治计划等具有重要的价值。长期以来,医生使用的曲面断层片和头颅侧位片,均为二维影像,且存在着重叠、图像放大等缺点。传统的扇形CT,因其占地面积大、设备价格高、操作复杂、射线量大、费用昂贵等因素,无法成为正畸患者常规的检查方法。近年来,随着锥形束CT(CBCT)的引入,对正畸患者的诊断和治疗,以及在医患沟通方面均带来了很大的帮助。本文就CBCT的起源和技术特点及其在正畸专业中的应用作一综述。 Professional X-ray is important to know the patient's type of malocclusion and make treatment planning in orthodontic treatment. For a long time, we use panoramic radiograph and cephalometric head film which are two-dimensional images, and there are many shortcomings such as overlap and enlarge image. The traditional fan beam computed tomography can't become a routine inspection of the patients with orthodontic tools, because its covers big area, high price, complex operation, radiation quantity, expensive cost and other factors. In recent years, with the introduction of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) on the diagnosis and treatment of orthodontic patients, as well as in the doctor-patient communication are of great help. This article aimed to review the origin, technical features and the use of CBCT in orthodontics.
出处 《国际口腔医学杂志》 CAS 2012年第6期790-793,共4页 International Journal of Stomatology
关键词 锥形束CT 正畸 三维 cone beam computed tomography orthodontics three dimensions
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