
基于标准体系的企业质量安全主体责任与绩效关系模型构建 被引量:1

Research on Relation Model between Main Responsibilities and Business Performances based on the Standard System
摘要 本文在界定和分析了企业质量安全主体责任内涵的基础上,以质量管理体系ISO 9001-2008和卓越绩效评价准则GB/T 19580-2012为依据,明确了企业质量安全主体责任的要求范围,并在进一步分析企业落实质量安全主体责任具体内容的基础上,提出了企业质量安全主体责任与企业整体绩效之间的关系假设模型和研究框架,并基于利益相关者等理论对提出的模型作出了解释。 Based on the definition and analysis of the enterprise quality and safety main responsibilities, according to the quality management system ISO9001-2008 and the criteria of performance excellence GB/T19580-2012, this paper carries out and analyzes the content of the enterprise quality and safety main responsibilities, and then, firstly introduces and studies the relation model and the research framework between quality and safety main responsibilities and enterprise business performances.
出处 《标准科学》 2012年第10期14-20,共7页 Standard Science
关键词 标准体系 质量安全 主体责任 绩效 关系模型 standard system, quality and safety, main Responsibility, business performance, relation model
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