Since the end of the 1970s, the research on Marxism philosophy in China has experienced two phases: the first phase (1970s -2000) and the second phase (after the year of 2000). In the first phase, its research began to break traditional textbook system, and formed the research ideas from the discussion of "practice is the sole criterion for testing truth" , to humanitarian and alienation, and to practical materialism and humanology. The second phase started with the influence of "Return to Marx- ism" , the research on Marxism Philosophy in China attempted to search new theoretical framework by re - explaining Marxist texts. By interpreting the internal relationship between the critique of political economy and the development of philosophy thought, the scholars put forward that the core of Marxism philosophy research is capital logic critique, and tried to take it as the base to explore the framework of Marxism in current practice in China.
Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Social Sciences)
Practical Materialism
"Return to Marxism"
capital logic