冷气动力喷涂涂层的性能受颗粒性质的影响,而颗粒的性质可以通过不同的喷涂参数来改变。目前有多种诊断系统可对喷涂参数进行检测。通过商用Spray Watch系统,可对颗粒性质(速度、温度、尺寸和数密度)进行测量和评估;作为对比,使用激光多普勒测速法(LDA)对速度和数密度进行了测量。采用两个系统对多种参数下的颗粒速度进行了测量,这些参数包括不同的材料、不同的气体性质和喷嘴,这些测量为两种诊断系统的对比研究提供了可能。在本文中,仅阐述了不同气体性质参数条件下得到的结果。
Properties and performance of coatings deposited by the Cold Gas Spraying process are affected by particle properties, which can be changed by using various spraying parameters. Different diagnostic systems can be applied to investigate these parameters. By means of the commercial SprayWatch system, particle properties (velocity, temperature, size, number density) can be measured and evaluated. In comparison the Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) system determines velocity and number density. Using both systems the velocity has been measured for a range of parameters, including different materials, different gas properties and nozzles thus offering the possibility to compare the two different diagnostic systems. In the present paper only the results of different gas properties will be shown.
Thermal Spray Technology