
从临时首领到最高酋长:社会-政治组织的演化 被引量:2

From Incidental Leaders to Paramount Chiefs: The Evolution of Socio-Politiucal Organizations
摘要 酋长是拥有特殊社会—政治地位的个人。酋邦是一种政治制度,拥有双层级的管理结构。早期国家则是三层级的、跨区域的社会—政治组织,拥有权力集中的政府,以规范复杂的社会关系。从游团、村落、酋邦到早期国家,社会—政治组织呈现出日益复杂的结构变化。在最早的人类社会中,为了处理各种事务,临时首领应运而生。随着人口增加,社会事务日趋繁杂,管理形式不可避免地发生了变化,从而出现了酋长、酋邦和早期国家。在这一过程中,剩余产品的生产发挥了重要作用。当社会规模逐渐扩大,对食物、土地、贵重物品的需求开始影响人们的行为之后,战争和其他强制力量才真正发挥作用。早期国家的产生需要四个必要条件,即一定数量的人口和领土,足以保证剩余产品生产以供养脱离直接生产人员的经济方式,合法化的等级管理组织,解释社会—政治不平等现象的意识形态。 Chiefs are socio-political leaders of a number of people; chiefdoms are political system with two levels of administration; and early states were three-tier supra-regional centralized socio-political organizations for the regulation of social relations in a complex stratified society. From nomadic bands, villages and chiefdoms to early states, socio-political organizations show more and more complex structural changes. In early human societies, incidental leaders emerged for dealing with various matters. The growth of population and the increasing complexity of social affairs was inevitably accompanied by changes in the form of management changed inevitably, leading to the emergence of chiefs, chiefdoms and the early state. In this process, surplus production played an important role. Only after the scale of a society expanded and the need for food, land and precious objects began to affect human behavior did wars and other coercive forces begin to play a role. Four conditions are necessary for the formation of an early state: There must be a sufficient number of people to form a complex, stratified society; the society must control a specified territory; there must be a productive system yielding a surplus to maintain the many specialists, the privileged categories, and unproductive people; and there must exist an ideology which explains and justifies a hierarchical administrative organization and socio-political inequality.
出处 《历史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期144-163,共20页 Historical Research
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