
中国结直肠癌治疗现状——进步与局限并存 被引量:29

Current status of the treatment of colorectal cancer in China development and limitations
摘要 我国结直肠癌治疗水平与国际先进水平仍有较大差距。近年来,我国在结直肠癌诊治方面取得了一些进步.但仍存在局限。多学科综合治疗的观念逐渐深入,新辅助放化疗的理念逐步推广,腹腔镜微创手术愈来愈普及,结直肠癌肝转移的治疗策略有新转变.个体化治疗紧跟国际方向。然而。结直肠癌治疗领域仍缺乏基于中国人群的大宗临床研究,直肠癌的放疗和标准的手术方式在中国仍未普及,结直肠癌诊疗的规范化虽得到政府重视,但仍任重而道远,专科化诊治进展缓慢。结直肠癌诊治水平的提高需要我们共同努力。 [Abstract] There is a significant gap between China and the optimal international level in terms of the treatment outcomes of eoloreeta] (',an(:er. In recent years, progresses have been made while limitations still exist in the managemenl of eolorectal cancer. Advances are seen including use of multi- disciplinary therapy, neoadjuvant ehemoradiation, laparoseopie surgery and management of liver metastasis. Individualized therapy is also applied in eolorectal cancer. However, randomized controlled Irials based on Chinese population are still lacking. Radiation therapy is inadequate and standardization of surgical technique is to he improved. Ahhough standardization of management of colorectal cancer has gained altention from the government, there is a hmg wayto go. Tile eslatblishmenl of subspecially training and practice has nol been salisfaclory. National efforts are needed to improve' the treatmenl oult+onles of colorectal cancer in China.
作者 汪建平
出处 《中华胃肠外科杂志》 CAS 2012年第10期989-992,共4页 Chinese Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery
关键词 结直肠肿瘤 综合治疗 个体化 Colorectal neoplasms Comprehensive trealmen/ Individualization
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