
法国区域经济情报的实践 被引量:2

Practice of Regional Economic Intelligence in France
摘要 法国区域经济情报是法国国家经济情报体系中的一大亮点,相关工作主要是围绕公共政策,为政府和私人,尤其是中小企业的创新者搭建协作的桥梁。2005年以来,在法国国家经济情报协调署的指导下,在各大区区长的牵头下,法国各大区相继建立区域经济情报体系,为地区经济发展战略,尤其是为法国重点产业集聚区——竞争力集群的发展提供情报支持服务,以期达到提升企业竞争力、振兴地区经济和提高地区影响力之目的。 As a major highlight of the economic intelligence in France ,the regional economic intelligence is relevant with the public policy for local government and private,in particular innovators in the SMEs to collaborate. Under the guidance of the Department of E- conomic Intelligence Coordination of France( SCIE), head of the Prefet de region, the regional economic intelligence system have been established since 2005 in most regions in France. They provide information to support services for regional economic development strategy, particularly in key industry gathering areas for the French the competitive clusters, to help them to increase the competitiveness of enterprises, promote the regional economy and enhance the regional influence.
作者 祝碧衡
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第20期11-16,共6页 Library and Information Service
基金 上海市哲学社会科学规划基金资助项目"新兴产业竞争力和文化影响力的信息与智力决策支持系统研究--中法竞争情报比较"(项目编号:2010BTQ002)研究成果之一
关键词 法国 区域经济情报 竞争力集群 实践 France regional economic intelligence poles of competitiveness practice
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